box gruppi due giorni

30 December 2011

Castles, villages and vineyard

First day Guided visit Castell’Arquato, one of the most beautiful little towns in Italy. We walk along the winding streets, climbing up to the central square, admiring the Fontana del Duca and the Torrione, the Palazzo del Podestà and the Castle or Rocca Viscontea before going into the historic Romanesque Collegiate church. Typical lunch. In the afternoon, guided visit to […]
30 December 2011

Monks, merchants and lords

First day Guided visit to Bobbio, a small city that grew up around the celebrated Abbey founded by the Irish monk Colombanus in the 7th century: included are the Abbey, the Humpback Bridge, the Romanesque Cathedral and entrance to the Abbey Museum. Typical lunch Transfer and guided visit to Grazzano Visconti, a social and artistic experiment conceived by Giuseppe Visconti […]


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